Friday, 5 December 2014


For the reportage project, I went to brixton market as a starting point - it was an interesting place,as you can clearly see how the area is changing - how the 'quirky' shops and restaurants are rapidly taking over the locals' market stalls. I drew a fair amount but decided to change location for more inspiration as I wasn't getting much inspiration for final piece ideas. I went on the underground and found inspiration there - particularly a group of men in suits huddled together in a carriage, and the 'mind the gap' signs and announcements really stood out and felt almost amusing to me considering the theme is on pay gap.

I then walked around shoreditch and ended up in Petticoat Lane market. I found the buildings really interesting as for the most part council blocks framed the streets, then right in the centre, towering above, were skyscrapers from the financial district. Things also caught my eye on the way - a large, suited man standing outside his office smoking whilst construction workers are in the background; a man taking out the bin bags in front of a bank, etc.

When it came to combining images (for which I used a scanner and photoshop), I knew I wanted to include "mind the gap", which would combine well with an image relating to the London underground. I sketched out several compositions, and the one I liked best additionally used the smoking man and the man taking out bins - I thought the shapes of the man smoking and the bin bags were quite similar, so I put them side by side as not only does it work visually, it hints that high earners are compared to trash in the eyes of hard working not-so-high earners. I created a smoke texture to break up the image of the tube carriage, and fitted the text at the top. I think it works quite effectively, and I think that the slant on the text works too - showing the slope between the rich and poor.